A green office is a green home
Paper Heart Films is a Victoria-based video production company that specialises in documentary-style films for small businesses and families. Although they have a small staff and work from a home office most days, the team at PHF know that small changes can have a big impact. Becoming a BC Green Business member was a huge milestone for the PHF team; being accountable to an outside organisation has helped keep the PHF team focused on continually tracking, measuring, and reducing their carbon footprint. Being a home-based office, this means that every change the PHF team makes at work is one they make in their personal life as well, extending the impact of the BC Green Business certification beyond the workplace.
Making change in the wedding industry
Building on their own certification through BC Green Business, the team at Paper Heart Films wanted to inspire and encourage change throughout the wedding industry. After filming about 15 weddings a year for more than a decade, the PHF team knew that there was a lot of work to be done to make weddings – and the event industry more broadly – more sustainable. Through support from Telus, PHF created a 7-episode docu-series called “Sustainably Wed” in an effort to showcase exciting innovations and opportunities to reduce the footprint of the wedding industry.
A values-based approach
The team at PHF recognize that both the way they do business and the films they put out into the world have the potential to make an impact. In their business, PHF are transparent about their own values and create an annual report each year that traces their carbon footprint, highlights their annual donation program, and explains their goals. In their films, PHF seeks to work with like-minded clients and works to ensure that each film they create showcases the kind of world they want to see: sustainable, inclusive and ethical, and locally-focused communities. For wedding clients, PHF offers free additional coverage for any clients who calculate, reduce, and offset their wedding footprint using an industry-standard wedding footprint calculator.
Next steps
As PHF works on a second season of “Sustainably Wed”, they’re continuing to look for ways to improve their BC Green Business assessment score, reduce the footprint of their home office, and tell other small and home-based businesses about how small changes can have big impacts.