Landscape contracting involves trucks, equipment and materials, all of which can be perceived as a negative impact on the environment. There is one landscape contractor that is doing it differently.
Garden City Tree & Landscape Ltd. realized years ago that there is a different way to approach landscaping.
What others consider waste, Garden City considers Island gold
Garden City takes any collected organic waste and composts it with a process typically known as vector attraction reduction, which heats the organic waste over time and composts it until it turns into a truly beneficial product – mulch!
Mulch breaks down to provide vital nutrients for the organisms in the soil, which are essential to overall plant health. Mulch also provides a layer of protection for the soil, which helps with moisture retention.
Solar panels and electric equipment
A commercial roof has so much empty space, so why not install solar panels, collect that energy, and use it to power electric equipment? That is exactly what Garden City did almost four years ago. Today, that electricity powers Garden City’s electric vehicles and equipment.
Utilizing sustainable daily practices
With the help of BC Green Business, Garden City Tree & Landscape has reduced its environmental impact in its day-to-day operations, including by:
- Adding thermostat controls so heat is not wasted when commercial buildings are unoccupied,
- Switching to LED lighting to reduce energy demands,
- Insulating hot water pipes to reduce energy loss,
- Purchasing Energy Star equipment throughout its operations to ensure energy efficiencies with its equipment,
- Optimizing paperless systems to reduce waste,
- Composting food waste,
- Reducing and recycling plastics,
- Providing bicycle storage and parking,
- Tracking efficiencies of company vehicles and equipment and giving preference to those that are most fuel efficient, and
- Maintaining all vehicles and equipment to a high standard to ensure maximum fuel efficiencies.